Platforms Where Do Your Customers Hang Out?

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  8.  » Platforms Where to Find Graphic Designer Clients

You know your dream customer, you know what they need from a Graphic Designer like you and you know what you can provide that is going to help them with their business.   Now you need to figure out where they hang out, online and offline so that you can put yourself and your business in front of them and learn about all the amazing work you are doing.

Track Time: See Workshop Session >>

where are your graphic design customers hanging out

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work>>

Where do your dream customers hang out online or offline?  You need this information so you can strategically get in front of them.  Some of these should have been answered in previous workshop sessions, so group everything about platforms here in one place.

  1. What blogs does your dream customer read?
  2. What magazines do they read?
  3. What online groups do they hang out and collaborate on? Hint: Facebook groups, Linkedin groups, Meetup groups
  4. What podcasts do they list to?
  5. What conferences does your dream customers go to for their business?
  6. Who are the major influencers that your dream customers follow and what platforms would they follow them on?
  7. Do your dream customers search for answers to their business challenges on any of the following platforms?
Platform Yes No Not Sure ?
Google Search
Whats App
Tik Tok
graphic designer podcast recording

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work>>

Ok, lets reverse what we just did on the last page, where we identified where your customers hang out.  On this page, identify where YOU hang out.

  1. What blogs do you read?
  2. What magazines do you read?
  3. What online groups do you hang out and collaborate on? Hint: Facebook groups, Linkedin groups, Meetup groups
  4. What podcasts do you list to?
  5. What conferences do you go to for your business?
  6. Who are the major influencers that you follow and what
    platforms do you follow them on?
  7. Do you search for answers to your business challenges on any of the following platforms?
Platform Yes No Not Sure ?
Google Search
Whats App
Tik Tok
online platforms graphic design customers hang out on

Workshop Session: 

Ok, now that you have listed out all of the places both you and your customer hang out online, list out the common ones in the overlapping area.  Also, make sure you list out the areas that you hang out on that your customers do not and list the areas that where your dream customer is that you are not.

Green Zone >>  If you are hanging out here and your dream customers are not, you have to ask yourself why?  Do you have other interests that are not aligned with your customers?  That is ok, but ask yourself, is there another version of your dream customer that is more aligned with who you really are?  Or are you wasting time on platforms that you can refocus on what matters to grow your business?

Red Zone >> If your customers are hanging out here and you are not, you have to ask yourself why?  Be honest, you need to be all in with your dream customer.  If they like to do things that you don’t, that is ok, but if you are not interested in areas that specifically relate to their business, this is a red flag and you need to understand why.

Overlap >> These are your top priority areas to dive into first, not just because your dream customer is here, but because you also understand these platforms, so you can get moving faster.

what platforms overlap you and your dream customer
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