What is Your USP Unique Selling Proposition

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  8.  » USP Unique Selling Proposition

Why should anyone want to work with you?

Now that you have defined your avatar and have dug deep into your brand, it is time to figure out how you are going to leverage what you learned and use it to stand out from the crowd.  The key is to have a clear USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that you highlight when communicating with your customers, with your business partners and your vendors.  It is not just what separates you from the crowd, it makes your brand memorable in the eyes of your dream customer.   When your dream customer thinks about what you need that aligns with what you offer, you want them to immediately recall your brand and think about your company as the solution to their problems.

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graphic designer unique selling proposition

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work>>

We are all unique in some way, so lets spell that out and use it to stand out from the crowd.

  1. Do you stand for something that is polarizing, do you have a
    belief that often comes that ever sparks a heated debate?
  2. What are personality traits that you feel are unique to you?
  3. Do  you have a unique design style you can leverage?
  4. Do you have a unique back end system you use when you are planning out a design project with a client?
  5. Are you certified in any design software like Adobe Illustrator that will set you apart from the crowd?
  6. What design school did you graduate from?
  7. Have you built a portfolio of work, list the type of work you have in the porfolio?
  8. Do you have any customer testimonials?  List the names and companies here only.
  9. Is your physical appearance unique or striking in any way that would make you stand out from the crowd?
  10. Write down anything else you feel is unique about your business, yourself and what you offer to the market.
how do you stand out from the crowd as a graphic designer

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work >>

Define your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) right here, right now.

  • List all of the unique pieces from the previous page about you, your business and what you offer that you feel relate to your dream customer.
  • What are the unique things about you, your business and your beliefs, that you feel will push people away from you who are not your dream customers?
  • What is your top, number one USP that you should always have front and center in your offers to your dream customers?
  • Gut Check: Cutting straight to the point….. How does your Unique Selling Proposition solve your dream customers biggest pain point when it comes to their graphic design needs?

Be creative here, let your mind wonder on this one.   Write down, sketch, doodle here to brainstorm the various ways you could showcase your USP Unique Selling Proposition to your dream customer.

usp unique selling proposition workspace
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Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.