Build Your Team Like You Are Building a Race Team

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  8.  » Build Your Team Like You Are Building a Race Team

build your business team like you are building a racing teamTo a casual Formula 1 observer, a race team might appear to be a small group of mechanics and marketing professionals supporting a driver to sell sponsorship opportunities and build a machine that will get from Point A to Point B the fastest.

Behind the scenes, however, a race team is much more than a few ad salespeople and mechanics supporting a driver to make money and move fast. In fact, a race team is one of the best examples for anyone looking to build a solid team in their business.

A Formula 1 race team does have one goal: getting their driver to the finish line before the others, however it takes hundreds of people working together to accomplish that feat. It takes hundreds of people with the same goal, but different roles.

A race team is comprised of executives, commercial and technical professionals, specialists in fields as narrow as aerodynamics, and more, with each team member contributing one small piece of that one, large puzzle.

Here are four qualities of a successful race team that you can use to build a team to grow your business, too:

1. Passion.

There are countless ways to earn a paycheck, so why would anyone choose to use their skills on a race team, which can involve travel, long hours, and no personal glory?


Most jobs in the world require skills that can be developed over time by the majority of individuals. Talent, thus, is a commodity to a certain extent because it can be created or developed.

Passion, on the other hand, is in short supply, in large part due to a large percentage of the world’s population being employed roles that might fit their talents, but don’t ignite their passions. They become unmotivated and unproductive.

The best businesses, however, are full of talented people who have a personal passion for the team’s goals. Passion motivates people to do their best work for your business, but passion cannot be developed as easily as talent.

Thus, the best way to build a motivated team is to hire team members who are already motivated and create an environment full of opportunities to hone their craft and continue to develop their talents.

2. Specialty.

Be weary of the jack-of-all-trades. Although talent is practically a commodity because anyone can develop most basic skills, having a team of specialists is one of the best ways to push the collective contributions to a higher level.

Race teams boast positions as specialized as hydraulic technicians, who concentrate only on the hydraulic systems of the race cars, or a vehicle dynamics engineer, who is focused solely on analyzing the driver in a loop simulator to optimize the vehicle dynamics portion of the car.

Although each of the positions works across disciplines and with other team members to help the collective team push forward, having a narrow focus with their primary duties allows them to develop a deep knowledge of one piece of the puzzle and creates optimum team performance.

3. Results oriented.

In business, there are process-oriented people, and results-oriented people.

You can often tell the difference between people by how they react to conflict between choices. When faced with two choices, the process-oriented person will choose whichever one is closest to their comfort zone or the way it “has always been done.”

The results-oriented person will generally choose whichever one they believe will get them closer to achieving their desired result.

A team full of results-oriented people is more innovative and focused on doing what you want your business to do.

4. Team oriented.

Nothing creates bad feelings quite like a culture in constant fear of blame and search for personal credit. That type of culture drains energy and causes team members to make decisions based on what will make them look best (or avoid getting yelled at) rather than what is best for the business.

The best race teams are packed with people who care more about the team’s success than any personal accolades. They get pride from team wins and accomplishments. They cooperate and collaborate, creating a collective momentum that enhances results.

Whether you are building an internal team of full-time help or a group of independent contractors supporting you on an as-needed basis, working with passionate specialists who are results- and team-oriented will put the wind at your back and give your business a head start towards the results you desire.

nick pavlidisAuthor: Nick Pavlidis

Nick Pavlidis left a busy law practice at a large law firm in New York City to help high achievers write and publish books, articles, and social media content that helps them open doors, build their authority and credibility, and generate business. Connect with Nick at

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