What Are Sales Funnels?
Why You Need Sales Funnels

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  7. Graphic Designer
  8.  » What Are Sales Funnels

How Sales Funnels can grow your business?

So far, we have defined who your dream customers are.  We know what your customers want and you have identified exactly what you can offer them as a Graphic Designer. 

Sales Funnels are designed to take your potential dream customers on a journey, delivering them value along the way, building a relationship with them and ultimately connecting the dots between what your customer wants and what you offer.  Funnels use methods that dramatically increase your ability to sell your products and services and set you apart from any competitors who are not using the power of funnels.  Instead they are stuck reducing their prices to the bottom as their main strategy to earn clients.   Funnels set you up for success and allow you to provide massive value to the right customers, while giving you the potential to earn profits that allow you to continue to re-invest in your business and serve your customers at the highest level. 

Funnels setup a win win relationship between you and your dream customers.

Track Time: See Workshop Session >>

what are sales funnels for graphic designers

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work >>

Where do you start with funnels?  Lets break is down and we will start at the beginning and work our way up to the top level.   At each point, you are increasing the value you are offering to your customers. 
Russell Brunson calls this the value ladder and if you have not read DotCom Secrets, where he walks you through this very important concept, it is time to act now and buy it wihout hesitation.  If you are not following Russell, it is time to start now.

Optin Funnels

You need to provide enough value on an Optin page, that someone is willing to exchange their email address for the thing they are downloading.  You need to create enough value in the eyes of your dream customers, that they will gladly provide you with their email address in exchange for the thing you are giving them.

  1. What are your dream customers main pain points in their business?
  2. What are the questions your customers are asking in Facebook groups and user forums or other social media platforms about their business challenges?
  3. What could you offer to help solve their pain points or challenges? Hint: You are looking to create an information product.
  4. Write down some ideas here, doodle, sketch it out, brainstorm away on what you could offer?  Think of your output method that aligns with how your dream customer consumes content.  If they like audio, maybe your free offer involves an audio recording for example.

Download your free Bonus Optin Share Funnel that has already been built for you to add in your free downloadable asset and then you are good to go.  All you need is a Clickfunnels account and you can be up and running quickly.
Download Bonus Optin Funnel>>

graphic design sales funnels

Workshop Session: Time To Get To Work >>

This is where we concentrate on building strategies that help position your Graphic Design business, so that you can avoid driving your prices to the bottom to compete for business.  Offering as much value as possible to your customers and over-delivering, separates you from your competitors.

Application Funnels

You want to work with your ideal dream customers, but not at all costs.   In order for you to run a strong, growing business that can stand the test of time, you need to stay profitable. You can do this by positioning  your business so that your dream customers self-select and self-qualify as being the right fit to work with your business.  Using the power of an Application Funnel, puts a spotlight on the value you intend to provide your customers who are the right fit to work with you, instead of making the relationship all about price.  This can be a game changer for your business as it allows you to focus on value creation.

  1. List the personality traits your dream customers have?
  2. Think about describing your ideal dream customer, what they want and the graphic design services and product you intend to sell to them, and come up a list of questions to ask a prospect that will align with your goals.   Hint:  You are looking to create a small set of questions that will quickly help narrow down the right kind of customer to work with.
  3. Now that you have put some general ideas together, it is time to get specific.  Lets nail down the first question to ask.   Suggestion: What industry are you in?  Then have a small drop down selection listing the sub-markets (niche markets) that you serve with an option for other.  List no more than 5 here.
  4. By now, you should have a very clear picture of your ideal customer and what their revenues are within a specific range.
    Suggestion for question 2: What is your annual revenue?  List a some ranges, make sure you list ranges both above and below your ideal customer revenue target?
  5. List up to 8 Job Titles for this next question, make sure you list at least 3 to 5 that are your ideal customer, and a few that are very closely related to your ideal customer.
what are sales funnels for graphic designers

This is where we concentrate on building strategies that help position your Graphic Design business, so that you can avoid driving your prices to the bottom to compete for business.  Offering as much value as possible to your customers and over-delivering, separates you from your competitors.

Application Funnels

You want to work with your ideal dream customers, but not at all costs.   You want to run a strong, growing business that can stand the test of time, then you need to stay profitable. You can do this by positioning  your business so that your dream customers self-select and self-qualify as being the right fit to work with your business.  Using the power of an Application Funnel, puts a spotlight on the value you intend to provide your customers who are the right fit to work with you, instead of making the relationship all about price.  This can be a game changer for your business as it allows you to focus on value creation.

  1. List the personality traits your dream customers have? 
  2. Think about describing your ideal dream customer, what they want and the graphic design services and product you intend to sell to them, and come up a list of questions to ask a prospect that will align with your goals.   Hint:  You are looking to create a small set of questions that will quickly help narrow down the right kind of customer to work with.
  3. Now that you have put some general ideas together, it is time to get specific.  Lets nail down the first question to ask.   Suggestion: What industry are you in?  Then have a small drop down selection listing the sub-markets (niche markets) that you serve with an option for other.  List no more than 5 here.
  4. By now, you should have a very clear picture of your ideal customer and what their revenues are within a specific range. 
    Suggestion for question 2: What is your annual revenue?  List a some ranges, make sure you list ranges both above and below your ideal customer revenue target?
  5. List up to 8 Job Titles for this next question, make sure you list at least 3 to 5 that are your ideal customer, and a few that are very closely related to your ideal customer.

Download your free Bonus Application Share Funnel that has already been built for you to add in your branding and then you are good to go.  All you need is a Clickfunnels® account and you can be up and running quickly.
Download Bonus Application Funnel>>


three key things to consider before starting a side business3 Key Things to Consider Before Starting a Side Business

Deciding to start a side business is always an exciting endeavor. However, it can also be overwhelming.

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What is Clickfunnels®?


what is clickfunnels russel brunson on stage at funnel hacking live 2020

Clickfunnels® empowers entrepreneurs to rapidly build sales funnels and marketing funnels like no other platform on the planet.  But Clickfunnels® is way more than just a piece of software where you can create and run your business, it is the new standard for running your business. Clickfunnels® has a strong movement behind them and massive community that are there for each other.

What is Clickfunnels? >>

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Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.